Thursday, March 26, 2009

Need I say more?

It's a question that's been asked many times before. Thanks to this very insightful young woman that question has be deftly answered.

What is Rocket Science? - Watch more Funny Videos

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vernal (Spring) Equinox

I figured that it would be topical to discuss the "Spring" or more correctly Vernal Equinox since its approach is imminent. As any good "sky jockey" worth his or her salt knows this year the Vernal Equinox is on March 20th at 11:44 am.

Of course one would be remiss to bring up the subject without discussing exactly what the Vernal Equinox is. It's a time when the Earth's axis is neither leaning towards or away from the Sun from which it orbits. At this time the Earths equator is directly blow the Sun during it's orbit.

Now if you've been following this blog for any time at all you might realize that you can't have all meat and sometime you need some gravy. At this time I'd like to direct you to the question that's made great minds ponder for centuries.........

Philip C. Plait's take on the classic egg balancing act.